The vibroacoustic impacts in the urban agglomeration constitute an important element worsening the comfort of working and resting conditions for the residents. The industrialized zones can be identified as the main surface sources of these impacts, but outside these areas there is a significant number of linear sources such as communication routes. In described areas the point industrial sources and the point moving sources with random or periodic repeatability, which are single journeys of means of transport, can be identified. Dynamic interactions occurring between the superstructure and the exploited transport infrastructure are an important phenomenon and are subject to continuous analysis, due to the multitude of applied solutions of vibroisolation systems. Statistics show that the exposure of urban residents accounts for about 60% of the total population exposed to vibroacoustic impacts. In the paper the attention was paid to the impacts emitted to the environment for selected types of vibroisolation solutions for a selected tramway track and with the same enforcement. A detailed analysis of the impact occurring in the area of the tram line was made. The research used software prepared by the authors in the Matlab environment.
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